Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Melton Waves Fun Run

I entered the Melton Waves Fun Run on Saturday. It was a 7.5km event. We ran three laps around Hannah Watts park and the golf course, then the finish was down High Street.
I tried to pace myself at the start and even then my legs felt so heavy. I really had to push myself to keep going. There were some kids along the bike track who were giving high fives and cheering on the runners.
After the first lap Kel told me that I was the fifth female. That pushed me on and every time I passed another female I knew I was that much closer to getting a good result. I still stopped to get water each time I passed the water table, and the gap increased a little bit, but in the end I think it paid off, because I overtook two other girls so I was running in third place. I stuck to the number two girl closely, but didn't overtake her. We did a whole lap like that, then once we were on High Street and I could see the finish line and made a sprint and overtook her.

There was only one problem... that wasn't the finish line! I ran to the line and the marshalls told me to turn down the other side of the street until the finish line banner (which was hidden in the trees!). So I had another 100m sprint to the finish line, but I still managed to stay in front!
I was a bit delirious at the end, I thought I could almost pass out. But I was so excited that I came second! That is my best result so far!
My time was about 36:25.

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