Josh was very excited to be going to kinder... but somewhere along the way he got confused and thought he was going to school. His comment went along the lines of "But this is the same as little school". It is at the same place he went last year for three year old kinder - except this is twice a week for full days. He goes Tuesday and Thursday from 9:15am - 2:15pm.
There are a few key differences between three year old kinder and four year old kinder, and it has taken Josh a while to get used to it. He was used to walking in in the morning and sitting down on the mat. Now they just get straight into the activities. Lunch boxes and drink bottles go into a tub. (before they just stayed in their bags). And there are HEAPS more kids.
I think Josh is settling in more now, and is starting to make friends. The surprising thing is he actually remembers the other kids names! School photos happened on Thursday, so it will be interesting to see the class photo and see how many he remembers.

Here is one of Josh's recent pictures that he drew at kinder. It is so interesting to see how his drawing has progressed (though he is still obsessed with trains!!!) For those not so familiar with Thomas the Tank Engine, the things to note are:
1. Thomas has three wheels, while Percy has two wheels (this is how many wheels they have if you look from the side).
2. This is the first time I have noticed Josh draw eye brows! (Yes Thomas does have eyebrows!) (Looking in the mirror the other day Josh exclaimed, "I have eyebrows!").
3. He drew the smoke coming out of their smoke stacks.

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