Just to keep this blog alive... here is a post about all sorts of things that are going to just pop into my head... very random!
Sam shares hit cot with a zoo full of stuffed animals... including a frog, a sheep, a leopard, a dog, a rabbit, and recently a cookie monster. He also has a glow worm, a stuffed toy lullaby clock and a wiggles music player. Some nights he likes to play the Wiggles, and the glowworm and the Tad (frog) night music all at the same time!
Each night I sing him "Rock a bye Baby" while rocking him in my arms and lowering him into the cot as the song ends. Each time he gives a little laugh at the end.
Josh's bed time routine is a little different... he hops into bed and I sit on the bed with him and he tells me a quick story. He just makes up something on the spot and lets his imagination go wild. Then it is my turn. Sometimes he has another turn after that. One time he wanted to tell one more quick story... it was the quickest story ever... "One day there was a possum. The End" Sure made me laugh!
One time I told him a story about a horse that climbed a mountain. After that he repeated the same story, pretty much word for word not leaving any little bit out - very impressive!
Another little thing I have started is to leave him messages on his Magna Doodle (magnetic drawing toy). Mainly I do this when I am going to work the next day and might not see him before I leave for work. The other day he had drawn me a picture and left it in my room for when I went to bed.
Josh is really into sharks and crocodiles lately. He has a big soft shark that sleeps at his feet under the blanket. He also has his Tad, a penguin from when we went to Phillip Island, and tonight he had a koala and a teddy as well. He's not that attached to any of them though. He also has a Thomas pillow, which is a bit like a soft toy - I think it was called a travel pillow. It doesn't seem that comfortable to me, but I can't talk him into swapping back to his normal Thomas pillow.
Sam seems to think that his name is Josh for some reason! If you point to him and ask Who is That? He says Josh. But then if you ask where is Josh, he points to Josh, and if you ask where is Sam, he points to inside his mouth!!!
Josh is enrolled at school for next year! We did visits to four different schools in our town. Each one was different and each one had its positive and negative points. In the end we decided on Exford Primary, which is a small rural school of about 100 kids. It is an 8 minute drive from our house. It has a really nice community feel to it, they are very environmentally friendly, and surprisingly they were also the most technologically advanced school as well! There are a couple of kids from the kinder going there, and one of the boys from Mothers Group. Since there is only one Prep class, they are guaranteed to be in the same class together.
Sam has a new favourite toy, which is a little rubber ducky that lights up. He takes it with him everywhere and we have to give it kisses. Today he wanted us to give some banana lollies to the duck (his first sentence!).